Tips for moving on after divorcing later in life

On Behalf of | Jul 20, 2022 | Family Law

If you have decided to end your marriage after several years or even after several decades, you may have concerns about how this major life change will affect you. But divorcing later in life is a common phenomenon and many people refer to it as a “gray divorce.”

According to Psychology Today, among people over 50, the divorce rate has doubled since 1990. If you are getting divorced later in life, the following tips can help you cope and move forward.

Do not take all the blame

Chances are, the cause of your divorce is not completely one-sided. Do not convince yourself that your divorce is all your fault. At the same time, try not to put all the blame for the end of your marriage on your spouse.

Accept what you can control

There may be some aspects of your divorce that you will not be able to control. Accept that this is the case and do your best to move on. Try to avoid thinking too much about your former spouse and focus your thoughts on moving forward with this new phase of your life.

Cooperate during negotiations

It can be difficult to speak with your spouse respectfully during divorce negotiations. However, try to maintain your composure and refrain from using a sarcastic or angry tone when you work through divorce-related issues with your spouse.

It can take time to feel like your life has regained some normalcy after you divorce later in life. Be patient with yourself and keep in mind that complete healing will not happen overnight.