If you have decided to end your marriage after several years or even after several decades, you may have concerns about how this major life change will affect you. But divorcing later in life is a common phenomenon and many people refer to it as a “gray divorce.”...
Otsego Minnesota Legal Blog
When is a search allowed?
If the police arrive to search your home, it is critical to know how you can protect your rights. The first step to do this is to understand when police can search your home or property. Here are some of the basic facts to know about police searches – whether or not...
What is dissipation of marital assets?
When a couple is going through a divorce that is not amicable, it is not uncommon for one spouse to accuse the other of dissipating marital assets. If a spouse can prove this occurred, it may affect how the court divides property during the divorce. What is the...
Strategies to avoid drinking and driving on Halloween
People love Halloween parties. Still, the temptation to consume alcohol during these festivities can be intense. Avoid becoming inebriated and getting behind the wheel on this beloved holiday. Should you be drunk and get pulled over, an experienced lawyer will be...
3 ways parental alienation negatively affects children
Parental alienation is when a parent purposefully harms or destroys a child's relationship with the other parent. Those who do it essentially weaponize their kids to punish or retaliate against the other party. They fail to realize or care that the ones truly...
How an order for protection can affect you after a domestic violence arrest
Getting arrested on domestic violence charges can mean you will spend the night or the weekend in jail. Long-term, the charges can result in jail time and a large fine, even for a misdemeanor. Along with these potential penalties, Minnesota law gives domestic violence...
How do drug and DUI convictions affect college financial aid?
To determine if you are eligible for government-backed financial aid for funding your education, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Officials use this application to dole out Pell grants, subsidized loans and work-study funds. The FAFSA...
How Minnesota determines child custody
Like many states, Minnesota distinguishes between legal and physical custody when parents get divorced. Parents can share both legal custody, the right to make decisions on the child's behalf, and physical custody, the daily care of the child at each residence....
Penalties for DWI in Minnesota
Drivers can receive a charge of driving while the influence in Minnesota with measured blood alcohol content of at least 0.08%. In fact, law enforcement can arrest you for DWI even if you are in a parked vehicle at the time of the arrest. If you face a DWI court date...
What happens to home equity when you divorce?
When you and your significant other decide to part ways, you are going to have to determine which one of you is going to retain ownership over the assets you share. Ultimately, the steps you take to divide your property are going to vary based on just how many shared...