When you are facing charges of drunk driving, your future is at stake. You could find yourself dealing with penalties that include time behind bars, fines and more. It is in your interests to defend yourself against these charges, whether it is your first offense or...
Firm News
Minnesota’s best interest of the child standard
When parties go through a divorce, they must make several considerations. This is especially true when there are children involved.Throughout the divorce process, the court strives to operate in the best interest of the children. In making that determination,...
What will happen to the family business in your divorce?
Perhaps you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage, but how will that decision affect your ownership of the family business? Here are three options to consider as you approach the property division stage of your divorce. 1. Engage in a buyout Ownership of...
3 signs of parental alienation
Child custody can turn into a bitter fight during a divorce. The aftermath, however, is not necessarily much better.You may start to see changes in your children, and these may disturb you. They may start to pull away or find excuses to miss scheduled visitation, or...
What are the effects of gray divorce?
In the U.S., divorce rates have gone down. However, for one demographic, the trend of divorce has risen. Those in their senior years are ending their marriages, some that have lasted for decades, more than ever before, reveals the Pew Research Center.The reasons for...
Can you get a DUI on an electric scooter?
Electric scooters have made their way to Minneapolis. They can make for a convenient option to get around your city, and the law states that you can ride a scooter even after a night of drinking alcohol. In the court case of State v. Greenman, the court ruled that a...
Yes, a drug conviction can lead to a loss of financial aid
If you have plans to send your son or daughter off to college in the fall, you may be spending the summer trying to instill some final words of wisdom and guidance you hope he or she will heed. Unfortunately, however, some kids let loose once they get their first...
Factors that can impact the accuracy of a breath test
If you are driving and subsequently pulled over because authorities believe you have been drinking, you can expect that the law enforcement official who stops you will ask you to submit to a breath test. Conducted using a device called a Breathalyzer, breath tests are...