Who reads the fine print? Perhaps not many, and usually there are no repercussions. But, when it comes to driving on the Minnesota roadways, there is some important fine print found in the laws. It involves what the law says you consent to by virtue of just operating...
Otsego Minnesota Legal Blog
Travel restrictions with a DUI
Driving under the influence of alcohol poses numerous threats. In 2015 alone, over 2,000 people in Minnesota suffered injuries as a result of alcohol-related crashes. That data comes from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. There are numerous consequences to...
Why you should never bad mouth a spouse during a divorce
Plenty of people deal with divorce in Minnesota. According to information collected by the Legislative Commission Economic Status of Women, there were 15,888 divorces in the state in 2000. This number was a decrease from 16,575 divorces in 1992; however, these numbers...
How can parents ease transitions for children after divorce?
Divorce can be the most difficult ordeal that a family can go through because it changes the structure of the family. People generally want to preserve their relationships with their children after divorce, so why is this so difficult?One of the reasons is that...
Roles a lawyer fills in helping domestic violence victims
You may already know this, but it bears repeating -- anyone can be victimized by domestic violence. This includes wives, husbands, children, parents and anyone else in a domestic relationship with an abuser. Survivors of domestic violence often want to escape their...
Can your spouse claim a portion of your business growth?
You started your company the same year that you got married. You were just 25 years old, and the company was worth $70,000. You started small and built it up.At the time, you and your spouse did not get a prenup. You didn't want to talk about divorce, for one thing,...
Common divorce mistakes you can avoid
To say that it is easy to make mistakes when getting a divorce in Minnesota is an understatement. In today's world, it feels like everything to do with divorcing is a mistake with the potential to unleash a surge of negative consequences. We know how hard it is to...
Minnesota family law: Child custody information
Each state in America has its own set of laws governing child custody. While most of the state laws are similar, it is important to make sure you understand how the laws in your state work. Minnesota's child custody laws are straightforward, which is a benefit to...
Why a good lawyer serves both sides of the domestic violence coin
Regardless of whether domestic violence allegations are true or false, these issues destroy American families. This is why a good family law attorney will choose to represent one side or the other after thoroughly looking into the individual case. Both sides are...
Is getting an amicable divorce just a pipe dream?
The best fast answer to this question is one simple word: sometimes. Divorce, with its inherent emotional trauma, evokes different responses from people. Even the most well balanced, even-keeled individual can become an emotional wreck in the midst of divorce. This...